Facebook; GEO UKRAINE - Accounts age 2021 years - Set: + Mail (Rambler.ru) + Cookie JSON
This can be seen in the account's activity log, for example: https://ibb.co/P1rHNXh
Invalid accounts are replaced instantly, but only if you go into the checker immediately after purchase and there are invalid accounts there.
Registration for high-quality mobile Ukrainian proxies
Native mail
Cookie JSON
Suitable for most tasks! Adding to friends, groups, pages, farming, advertising, etc.
A great option for farming departments, with a small farm in 5 minutes you get a super trusted account with a two-year delay ready for work.
Guide to working with autoregs with a year delay.
1. Login via cookies.
2. Confirm email (the code often goes to drafts, or spam from fb) But comes in 99.9% of cases.
3. Change password.
4. You get a super trusted account with a delay of a year, a working email, and a password changed by you.
Great for creating BMs, etc.
Good luck to everyone!